Let's walk through each of the following code step by step, explaining what each part does.

Step 1: Variables



  1. Variable Declaration:
      • DECLARE sum :INTEGER: Declares a variable named sum of type INTEGER.
      • DECLARE name : STRING: Declares a variable named name of type STRING.
      • DECLARE flag : BOOLEAN: Declares a variable named flag of type BOOLEAN.
  1. Variable Initialization:
      • sum <-- 100: Assigns the integer value 100 to sum.
      • name <-- "Victor": Assigns the string "Victor" to name.
      • flag <-- TRUE: Assigns the boolean value TRUE to flag.
  1. Output Statements:
      • OUTPUT sum: Displays the value of sum (which is 100).
      • OUTPUT name: Displays the value of name (which is "Victor").
      • OUTPUT flag: Displays the value of flag (which is TRUE).
Summary: This step demonstrates how to declare variables of different types, assign values to them, and output their values.


Step 2: Simple Loop



  1. Variable Declaration and Initialization:
      • DECLARE sum :INTEGER: Declares an integer variable sum.
      • sum <-- 0: Initializes sum to 0.
  1. FOR Loop:
      • FOR i <-- 1 TO 100: Initiates a loop where the variable i starts at 1 and increments by 1 each iteration until it reaches 100.
      • sum <-- sum + i: In each iteration, adds the current value of i to sum.
      • NEXT i: Marks the end of the loop block for the variable i.
  1. Output Statement:
      • OUTPUT sum: After the loop completes, outputs the final value of sum.
What It Does:
  • This loop calculates the sum of all integers from 1 to 100. After the loop, sum will hold the value 5050, which is the result of 100*101/2.


Step 3: Loop with Step and While Loop




Part 1: FOR Loop with STEP

  1. First Loop: Summing Odd Numbers
      • DECLARE sum :INTEGER and sum <-- 0: Initializes sum to 0.
      • FOR i <-- 1 TO 100 STEP 2: Starts a loop with i from 1 to 100, incrementing by 2 each time (i.e., 1, 3, 5, ..., 99).
      • sum <-- sum + i: Adds the current odd number i to sum.
      • OUTPUT sum: Outputs the total sum of odd numbers between 1 and 100. The result is 2500.
  1. Second Loop: Summing Even Numbers
      • DECLARE sum2 :INTEGER and sum2 <-- 0: Initializes sum2 to 0.
      • FOR i <-- 0 TO 100 STEP 2: Starts a loop with i from 0 to 100, incrementing by 2 each time (i.e., 0, 2, 4, ..., 100).
      • sum2 <-- sum2 + i: Adds the current even number i to sum2.
      • OUTPUT sum2: Outputs the total sum of even numbers between 0 and 100. The result is 2550.

Part 2: WHILE Loop

  1. Variable Declaration and Initialization:
      • DECLARE target, generated, count : INTEGER: Declares three integer variables.
      • target <-- 8: Sets the target number to 8.
      • generated <-- INT(RAND(10)): Generates a random integer between 0 and 9 and assigns it to generated.
      • count <-- 1: Initializes count to 1.
  1. WHILE Loop:
      • WHILE generated <> target DO: Continues looping as long as generated is not equal to target.
        • OUTPUT generated: Outputs the currently generated number.
        • generated <-- INT(RAND(10)): Generates a new random integer between 0 and 9.
        • count <-- count + 1: Increments the count by 1.
      • ENDWHILE: Marks the end of the loop.
  1. Final Output:
      • OUTPUT "Found target number ", target, " in ", count, " random guesses": After finding the target number, outputs a message indicating how many guesses it took to find the target.
What It Does:
  • First Part: Demonstrates how to use a FOR loop with a step value to sum odd and even numbers separately.
  • Second Part: Uses a WHILE loop to repeatedly generate random numbers until the target number (8) is found, keeping track of the number of attempts.





  1. Procedure Declaration:
      • PROCEDURE Greetings(): Defines a procedure named Greetings that takes no parameters.
  1. Procedure Body:
      • FOR count <-- 1 TO 90: Initiates a loop that runs 90 times.
      • OUTPUT "Hello": In each iteration, outputs the string "Hello".
      • NEXT count: Marks the end of the loop block.
  1. Procedure Call:
      • Greetings(): Calls the Greetings procedure, executing its body.
What It Does:
  • This procedure, when called, prints the word "Hello" ninety times. It's a way to encapsulate reusable code; you can call Greetings() wherever you need to perform this action without rewriting the loop each time.


Step 5: FUNCTION 1



  1. Function Declaration:
      • FUNCTION findArea(radius : REAL) RETURNS REAL: Defines a function named findArea that takes one parameter radius of type REAL (floating-point number) and returns a REAL value.
  1. Function Body:
      • CONSTANT pi = 3.1415962653: Declares a constant pi with its approximate value.
      • DECLARE area : REAL: Declares a variable area of type REAL.
      • area <-- pi * radius ** 2: Calculates the area of a circle using the formula \( \pi r^2 \) and assigns it to area. Here, * denotes exponentiation.
      • RETURN area: Returns the calculated area.
  1. Function Call and Output:
      • OUTPUT findArea(100): Calls the findArea function with radius set to 100 and outputs the returned area.
What It Does:
  • The findArea function calculates the area of a circle given its radius. In this example, it calculates the area for a circle with a radius of 100, resulting in \( \pi \times 100^2 = 31,415.92653 \).


Step 6: FUNCTION 2



  1. Function Declaration:
      • FUNCTION isPrime(n : INTEGER) RETURNS BOOLEAN: Defines a function named isPrime that takes an integer n and returns a boolean value (TRUE or FALSE).
  1. Function Body:
      • DECLARE max : INTEGER: Declares an integer variable max.
      • max <-- INT(n ** 0.5): Calculates the integer part of the square root of n and assigns it to max. This is used to optimize the prime checking process.
      • FOR count <-- 2 TO max: Starts a loop from 2 to max.
        • IF n MOD count = 0 THEN: Checks if n is divisible by count without a remainder.
          • RETURN FALSE: If n is divisible by any number between 2 and max, it is not prime; thus, returns FALSE.
      • NEXT count: Ends the loop.
      • RETURN TRUE: If no divisors are found, the number is prime; returns TRUE.
  1. Function Call and Output:
      • OUTPUT isPrime(18): Calls the isPrime function with n = 18 and outputs the result.
What It Does:
  • The isPrime function determines whether a given integer n is a prime number.
  • In the example, isPrime(18) checks if 18 is prime. Since 18 is divisible by 2, 3, 6, and 9, the function returns FALSE, indicating that 18 is not a prime number.


Step 7: Loops & Functions



  1. FOR Loop:
      • FOR n <-- 2 TO 1000: Initiates a loop where n ranges from 2 to 1000.
      • IF isPrime(n) THEN: Calls the previously defined isPrime function to check if n is prime.
        • OUTPUT "🟢 ", n, " is prime!": If n is prime, outputs a green circle emoji followed by the message that n is prime.
        • ELSE: If n is not prime,
          • OUTPUT "🔴 ", n, " is not prime...": Outputs a red circle emoji followed by the message that n is not prime.
      • ENDIF: Ends the IF statement.
      • NEXT n: Moves to the next value of n.
  1. Function Definition:
      • The isPrime function is the same as defined in Step 6. It checks whether a given number n is prime.
What It Does:
  • This code iterates through all numbers from 2 to 1000, checks each number to see if it's prime using the isPrime function, and outputs a message indicating whether each umber is prime or not with corresponding emojis.
Example Output:


Step 8: Nested Loops



  1. FOR Loop:
      • FOR n <-- 3 TO 1000: Starts a loop with n ranging from 3 to 1000.
  1. Nested IF Statements:
      • IF isPrime(n) THEN: Checks if n is a prime number.
        • IF isPrime(n+2) THEN: If n is prime, checks if n + 2 is also prime.
          • OUTPUT "🟢🟢 ", n," and ",n+2, " are twin primes": If both n and n + 2 are prime, outputs a message indicating they are twin primes with two green circle emojis.
        • ENDIF: Ends the inner IF.
      • ENDIF: Ends the outer IF.
      • NEXT n: Proceeds to the next value of n.
  1. Function Definition:
      • The isPrime function is the same as previously defined in Step 6 and Step 7.
What It Does:
  • This code identifies and outputs all twin primes between 3 and 1000.
  • Twin primes are pairs of prime numbers that have a difference of 2 (e.g., 3 and 5, 5 and 7, 11 and 13).
Example Output:
(Note: 999 is not a prime number, so the last line would not actually appear.)


Step 9: Array



Part 1: Static Array Initialization

  1. Array Declaration:
      • DECLARE scores : ARRAY [1:5] OF INTEGER: Declares an array named scores with indices from 1 to 5, each element being an integer.
  1. Assigning Values:
      • scores[1] <-- 78
      • scores[2] <-- 91
      • scores[3] <-- 27
      • scores[4] <-- 63
      • scores[5] <-- 42
      • Assigns specific integer values to each element of the scores array.
  1. FOR Loop to Output Array Elements:
      • FOR n <-- 1 TO LENGTH(scores): Loops from 1 to the length of scores (which is 5).
      • OUTPUT scores[n]: Outputs each element in the array.
      • NEXT n: Moves to the next index.
What It Does:
  • Initializes an array with predefined scores and outputs each score:

    Part 2: Dynamic Array with Random Values

    1. Array Declaration:
        • DECLARE scores : ARRAY [1:18] OF INTEGER: Declares an array named scores with indices from 1 to 18, each element being an integer.
    1. FOR Loop to Assign Random Values:
        • FOR i <-- 1 TO LENGTH(scores): Loops from 1 to 18.
        • scores[i] <-- INT(RAND(100)): Assigns a random integer between 0 and 99 to each element in the array.
        • NEXT i: Moves to the next index.
    1. FOR Loop to Output Array Elements:
        • FOR n <-- 1 TO LENGTH(scores): Loops from 1 to 18.
        • OUTPUT scores[n]: Outputs each randomly assigned score.
        • NEXT n: Moves to the next index.
    What It Does:
    • Creates an array of 18 integers, assigns each element a random number between 0 and 99, and then outputs all the scores.
    Example Output:


    Step 10: 2D Array



    1. Initial Output:
        • OUTPUT "三阶幻方": Outputs the string "三阶幻方", which is Chinese for "3x3 Magic Square".
    1. 2D Array Declaration:
        • DECLARE numbers : ARRAY[1:3, 1:3] OF STRING: Declares a two-dimensional array named numbers with rows and columns both ranging from 1 to 3. Each element is a STRING.
    1. Array Initialization:
        • numbers <-- [ ["8", "1", "6"], ["3", "5", "7"], ["4", "9", "2"] ]: Initializes the numbers array with the values of a classic 3x3 magic square. In a magic square, the sums of numbers in each row, column, and both main diagonals are equal (here, each sum is 15).
    1. FOR Loop to Output the Magic Square:
        • FOR n <-- 1 TO LENGTH(numbers): Loops through each row of the numbers array. Assuming LENGTH(numbers) returns the number of rows (3).
        • OUTPUT numbers[n, 1] & " " & numbers[n, 2] & " " & numbers[n, 3]: Concatenates and outputs the three elements of each row separated by spaces.
        • NEXT n: Moves to the next row.
    What It Does:
    • Prints out a 3x3 magic square. The output will look like:
      Visual Representation:
      Each row, column, and diagonal sums to 15.


      Step 11: Nested Loops with Conditions



      Part 1: Creating a 23x23 Grid with Specific Conditions

      1. Variable Declaration and Initialization:
          • DECLARE MyString : STRING: Declares a string variable MyString.
          • MyString ← "": Initializes MyString as an empty string.
      1. Nested FOR Loops:
          • FOR a <-- 1 TO 23: Outer loop iterates a from 1 to 23.
            • FOR b <-- 1 TO 23: Inner loop iterates b from 1 to 23.
              • IF Conditions:
                • (a = b AND a<>11 AND a<>10 AND a<>1): Checks if the current position is on the main diagonal (a = b) but not at positions 1, 10, or 11.
                • (a + b = 24 AND a<>11 AND a<>10 AND a<>1): Checks if the current position is on the opposite diagonal (a + b = 24) but not at positions 1, 10, or 11.
                • a = 12 OR b = 12: Checks if the current row or column is 12.
              • THEN MyString ← MyString & "❤️": If any of the above conditions are true, appends a heart emoji to MyString.
              • ELSE MyString ← MyString & "🟢": Otherwise, appends a green circle emoji.
            • NEXT b: Ends the inner loop.
            • MyString ← MyString & "\\n": Adds a newline character after completing each row.
          • NEXT a: Ends the outer loop.
      1. Output Statement:
          • OUTPUT MyString: Displays the constructed string representing the grid.
      What It Does:
      • Constructs and outputs a 23x23 grid where:
        • Cells on the main diagonal and the opposite diagonal (excluding specific positions) are marked with heart emojis.
        • The entire 12th row and column are also marked with heart emojis.
        • All other cells are marked with green circles.
      • The result is a pattern of hearts and green circles forming specific shapes within the grid.

      Part 2: Creating a 7x7 Grid with Diagonals

      1. Initial Output:
          • OUTPUT "shapes","\\n","\\n": Outputs the string "shapes" followed by two newline characters.
      1. 2D Array Declaration:
          • DECLARE numbers : ARRAY[1:7, 1:7] OF STRING: Declares a two-dimensional array numbers with rows and columns from 1 to 7.
      1. Nested FOR Loops to Assign Emojis:
          • FOR a <-- 1 TO 7: Outer loop for rows.
            • FOR b <-- 1 TO 7: Inner loop for columns.
              • IF a = b OR a + b = 8 THEN: Checks if the cell is on the main diagonal (a = b) or the opposite diagonal (a + b = 8).
                • numbers[a, b] <-- "❤️": Assigns a heart emoji.
              • ELSE: Otherwise,
                • numbers[a, b] <-- "🟢": Assigns a green circle emoji.
            • NEXT b: Ends the inner loop.
          • NEXT a: Ends the outer loop.
      1. FOR Loop to Output the 7x7 Grid:
          • FOR n <-- 1 TO LENGTH(numbers): Iterates through each row.
            • OUTPUT numbers[n, 1] & " " & numbers[n, 2] & " " & numbers[n, 3] & " " & numbers[n, 4] & " " & numbers[n, 5] & " " & numbers[n, 6] & " " & numbers[n, 7]: Concatenates and outputs all seven elements of the current row separated by spaces.
          • NEXT n: Moves to the next row.
      What It Does:
      • Creates and displays a 7x7 grid where:
        • Cells on the main diagonal (a = b) and the opposite diagonal (a + b = 8) are marked with heart emojis.
        • All other cells are marked with green circles.
      Example Output:
      This forms an 'X' shape with hearts on both diagonals.


      Step 12: Files



      1. Variable Declaration:
          • DECLARE file : STRING: Declares a string variable file.
      1. FOR Loop:
          • FOR n <-- 1 TO 6: Initiates a loop that runs six times with n from 1 to 6.
      1. File Operations Inside the Loop:
          • file <-- n & "a" & ".txt":
            • Concatenates the current value of n with "a" and ".txt" to form a filename. For example, when n = 1, file becomes "1a.txt".
          • OPENFILE file FOR WRITE: Opens the file named file in write mode. If the file doesn't exist, it is created.
          • WRITEFILE file, RANDOM() * 1000:
            • Generates a random floating-point number between 0 and 1 with RAND().
            • Multiplies it by 1,000 to scale it up.
            • Writes this number to the file.
          • CLOSEFILE file: Closes the file after writing.
      1. Loop Progression:
          • NEXT n: Moves to the next iteration, incrementing n by 1.
      What It Does:
      • Creates six text files named 1a.txt, 2a.txt, 3a.txt, 4a.txt, 5a.txt, and 6a.txt.
      • Each file is written with a random number between 0 and 1,000.
      • Ensures that each file is properly closed after writing to prevent data corruption.
      Example Outcome:
      • File 1a.txt: Contains a random number like 345.67.
      • File 2a.txt: Contains a random number like 123.45.
      • ...
      • File 6a.txt: Contains a random number like 987.65.
      • The actual random numbers will vary each time the code is executed.
      • This code demonstrates basic file I/O operations: creating, writing to, and closing files within a loop.

      STEP 1-12 Summary

      You've covered a wide range of programming concepts across these steps, including:
      1. Variables: Declaration, initialization, and output.
      1. Loops: FOR loops with and without step values, and WHILE loops.
      1. Procedures and Functions: Creating reusable code blocks that perform specific tasks.
      1. Conditional Statements: Using IF, ELSE, and logical operators to control program flow.
      1. Arrays: Handling both one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays.
      1. Nested Loops and Conditions: Creating complex patterns and performing advanced computations.
      1. File Operations: Automating file creation and data writing.
      Each step builds upon fundamental programming principles, demonstrating how to structure and manipulate data, control program flow, and interact with external resources like files. Understanding these concepts is crucial for developing more complex and efficient programs.
      If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any of these steps, feel free to ask!

      STEP 13 Symbols and Keywords

      Symbols and Keywords

      STEP 14 Past Paper Questions 001

      9618/23/M/J/23 Q4:

      A function MakeString () will:
      1. take two parameters:
      • a count as an integer
      • a character
      1. generate a string of length equal to the count, made up of the character
      1. return the string generated, or return "ERROR" if the count is less than 1.
      For example, the function call: MakeString ( 3, ‘Z’) will return the string " Z Z Z" Write pseudocode for function MakeString ( ) .



      STEP 15 Past Paper Questions 002

      9608/22/M/J/18 Q2


      Step 16 Constructor


      Step 17 Inheritance & Polymorphism


      STEP 18 Recursive


      STEP 19 More Past paper Questions






      9a Introduction to Pseudocode9c Pseudocode Complete Guide (*_*)