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Interrupts are fundamental mechanisms that allow a CPU (Central Processing Unit) to respond promptly to important events, enabling efficient and responsive computing systems. They facilitate communication between hardware devices and the CPU, ensuring that critical tasks are addressed in a timely manner without the need for continuous polling by the CPU. Here's a comprehensive overview of interrupts in CPUs:

1. What Are Interrupts?

An interrupt is a signal emitted by hardware or software indicating an event that needs immediate attention. When an interrupt is received, the CPU temporarily halts its current operations, saves its state, and executes a specific piece of code called an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) or Interrupt Handler to address the event. After handling the interrupt, the CPU resumes its previous activities.

2. Types of Interrupts

Interrupts can be broadly categorized based on their source and characteristics:

a. Hardware Interrupts

These are generated by hardware devices to signal events like I/O operations, timers, or errors. Examples include:
  • Keyboard Input: When a key is pressed, the keyboard controller sends an interrupt to notify the CPU.
  • Disk I/O Completion: Once data is read from or written to a disk, an interrupt informs the CPU that the operation is complete.
  • Timer Interrupts: Generated by timers to manage time-based operations, such as context switching in multitasking systems.

b. Software Interrupts

These are generated by software instructions, often used to request system-level services or handle exceptions.
  • System Calls: Applications use software interrupts to request services from the operating system.
  • Exceptions: Events like division by zero or invalid memory access trigger software interrupts to handle errors.

c. Maskable and Non-Maskable Interrupts

  • Maskable Interrupts (IRQs): These can be ignored or "masked" by the CPU if higher-priority tasks are being processed. They are commonly used for standard I/O operations.
  • Non-Maskable Interrupts (NMIs): These cannot be ignored and are typically used for critical events, such as hardware failures or emergency shutdowns.

3. Interrupt Handling Process

The process of handling an interrupt involves several steps:
  1. Interrupt Signal: An interrupt signal is sent to the CPU by a hardware device or software.
  1. Acknowledgment: The CPU acknowledges the interrupt, completing its current instruction before pausing.
  1. Context Saving: The CPU saves its current state (registers, program counter) to ensure it can resume operations after handling the interrupt.
  1. ISR Execution: The CPU jumps to the ISR associated with the interrupt, executing the necessary code to handle the event.
  1. Context Restoration: After the ISR completes, the CPU restores its previous state and resumes normal execution.

4. Interrupt Prioritization and Vectoring

  • Priority Levels: In systems with multiple interrupt sources, interrupts are assigned priority levels. Higher-priority interrupts can preempt lower-priority ones to ensure critical tasks are addressed first.
  • Interrupt Vector Table: This is a data structure that holds the addresses of ISRs for different interrupts. When an interrupt occurs, the CPU uses the interrupt number to look up the corresponding ISR in the vector table and jumps to it.

5. Interrupt Controllers

In complex systems, Interrupt Controllers manage multiple interrupt sources, handling prioritization, masking, and routing of interrupts to the CPU. Examples include:
  • Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC): An older type of controller, such as the Intel 8259, used in legacy systems.
  • Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC): Modern systems use APICs, which support more interrupt lines, better prioritization, and distribution across multiple CPUs or cores.

6. Advantages of Using Interrupts

  • Efficiency: The CPU doesn't need to constantly check (poll) the status of devices, allowing it to perform other tasks and only respond when necessary.
  • Responsiveness: Interrupts enable the system to respond promptly to important events, enhancing real-time performance.
  • Resource Optimization: By handling events asynchronously, interrupts help in better utilization of system resources.

7. Interrupts in Modern Computing

Modern CPUs and operating systems leverage interrupts extensively for various functions:
  • Multitasking: Operating systems use timer interrupts to manage task scheduling and context switching between multiple processes or threads.
  • I/O Operations: Devices like network cards, USB controllers, and storage devices use interrupts to communicate with the CPU, ensuring data is processed as it becomes available.
  • Power Management: Interrupts play a role in managing power states, waking the CPU from low-power modes when necessary.

8. Challenges and Considerations

While interrupts are powerful, they introduce complexities:
  • Interrupt Latency: The time between an interrupt being signaled and the ISR starting to execute can affect system performance, especially in real-time applications.
  • Concurrency Issues: Multiple interrupts occurring simultaneously require careful management to prevent conflicts and ensure data integrity.
  • ISR Design: ISRs must be efficient and avoid lengthy operations to minimize disruption to the main program flow.


Interrupts are a crucial aspect of CPU architecture and system design, enabling efficient and responsive handling of both hardware and software events. By allowing the CPU to react immediately to important tasks without constant monitoring, interrupts enhance overall system performance and flexibility. Understanding how interrupts work, their types, and their management is essential for fields ranging from operating system development to embedded systems engineering.


1. 什么是中断?


2. 中断的类型


a. 硬件中断

  • 键盘输入: 当按下键时,键盘控制器会发送中断通知CPU。
  • 磁盘I/O完成: 数据从磁盘读取或写入完成后,中断通知CPU操作已完成。
  • 定时器中断: 由定时器生成,用于管理基于时间的操作,如多任务系统中的上下文切换。

b. 软件中断

  • 系统调用: 应用程序使用软件中断请求操作系统提供的服务。
  • 异常: 如除零错误或无效内存访问会触发软件中断以处理错误。

c. 可屏蔽中断和不可屏蔽中断

  • 可屏蔽中断(IRQ): CPU可以忽略或“屏蔽”这些中断,如果正在处理更高优先级的任务。它们通常用于标准I/O操作。
  • 不可屏蔽中断(NMI): 这些中断无法被忽略,通常用于关键事件,如硬件故障或紧急关机。

3. 中断处理过程

  1. 中断信号: 硬件设备或软件向CPU发送中断信号。
  1. 确认: CPU确认中断信号,在完成当前指令后暂停。
  1. 保存上下文: CPU保存当前状态(寄存器、程序计数器),以确保处理完中断后可以恢复操作。
  1. 执行ISR: CPU跳转到与中断相关联的中断服务程序,执行处理事件所需的代码。
  1. 恢复上下文: ISR完成后,CPU恢复之前的状态并继续正常执行。

4. 中断优先级和向量化

  • 优先级级别: 在有多个中断源的系统中,中断被分配优先级级别。高优先级的中断可以中断低优先级的中断,以确保关键任务优先处理。
  • 中断向量表: 这是一个数据结构,保存不同中断的ISR地址。当中断发生时,CPU使用中断编号在向量表中查找相应的ISR并跳转执行。

5. 中断控制器

  • 可编程中断控制器(PIC): 一种较旧的控制器类型,如Intel 8259,用于传统系统。
  • 高级可编程中断控制器(APIC): 现代系统使用APIC,支持更多的中断线路、更好的优先级管理,并能在多CPU或多核系统中分配中断。

6. 使用中断的优势

  • 效率: CPU无需持续检查(轮询)设备状态,能够执行其他任务,仅在必要时响应。
  • 响应性: 中断使系统能够及时响应重要事件,提升实时性能。
  • 资源优化: 通过异步处理事件,中断有助于更好地利用系统资源。

7. 中断在现代计算中的应用

  • 多任务处理: 操作系统使用定时器中断管理任务调度和多个进程或线程之间的上下文切换。
  • I/O操作: 网络卡、USB控制器和存储设备等设备使用中断与CPU通信,确保数据在可用时被处理。
  • 电源管理: 中断在管理电源状态中起作用,如在需要时唤醒CPU从低功耗模式。

8. 挑战与注意事项

  • 中断延迟: 从中断信号发出到ISR开始执行之间的时间,会影响系统性能,特别是在实时应用中。
  • 并发问题: 多个中断同时发生需要仔细管理,以防止冲突并确保数据完整性。
  • ISR设计: ISR必须高效,避免执行耗时操作,以最小化对主程序流程的干扰。


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