
Key Points

  • Boolean Expressions & Operators
    • Understand the basic Boolean literals: true and false.
    • Know the specific operators: relational operators (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=) and logical operators (&&, ||, !).
    • Operator Precedence: In Java, the && operator is evaluated before || unless parentheses change the order.
    • Short-Circuit Evaluation: In expressions like A || B or A && B, evaluation stops as soon as the overall truth value is determined.
    • De Morgan’s Laws: These allow you to rewrite expressions (e.g., !(x < 5 || y > 10) is equivalent to x >= 5 && y <= 10).
  • if Statements and Control Flow
    • Syntax: Use the if statement (with optional else or else if clauses) to control the flow based on Boolean conditions.
    • Nested if Statements: Be aware that an else pairs with the nearest preceding unmatched if.
    • Execution Order: Understand how the order of conditions affects which block of code executes.
  • Iterative Statements & Testing
    • Iteration: Use loops (for, while, do-while) to repeat code segments.
    • do-while Loop: Executes the loop body at least once.
    • Testing: Validate your code using test cases to catch errors and ensure the implementation meets the method’s specifications.
    • Equivalence: Learn to determine when two different code segments yield equivalent results (both logically and in output).
  • Comparing Objects & Object Creation
    • Reference vs. Content Comparison: The == operator checks for reference (memory) equality, whereas the equals() method is used to check for content equality.
    • Object Creation: Use the new keyword to instantiate objects and then call methods on these objects.
    • Method Specifications: Write code that satisfies given method requirements using expressions, conditionals, and loops.

Sample Code Snippets

1. Boolean Expressions and Operator Precedence

2. if Statements and Control Flow (Nested if-else)

3. Using Iterative Statements (for and while loops)

4. Comparing Objects

5. Creating Objects and Calling Methods


20 AP-Style Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Boolean Expression Evaluation:
    1. What is the value of the following expression?
      A) true
      B) false
      C) Compilation error
      D) Depends on runtime conditions
  1. if Statement Binding:
    1. Given the code below, what is printed when the code is executed?
      A) A
      B) B
      C) A followed by B
      D) Nothing is printed
  1. Complex Boolean Evaluation:
    1. What is the value of the following expression?
      A) true
      B) false
      C) Compilation error
      D) Depends on operator precedence
  1. for Loop with Break:
    1. What is the output of the following code segment?
      A) 01234
      B) 012
      C) 0123
      D) 123
  1. Equivalent Code Segments:
    1. Which pair of code segments below produce equivalent outputs?
      • Segment A:
        • Segment B:
          A) They are equivalent for all values of x.
          B) They are not equivalent when x is 0.
          C) They are equivalent only for positive x.
          D) They are equivalent only for negative x.
      1. Short-Circuit Evaluation:
        1. Consider the following code. What is printed?
          A) X
          B) Y
          C) Compilation error
          D) Nothing is printed
      1. Operator Precedence:
        1. Which operator has higher precedence in Java?
          A) &&
          B) ||
          C) Both have the same precedence
          D) Depends on the operands
      1. if-else Example:
        1. What is printed by the following code?
          A) Even
          B) Odd
          C) None
          D) No output due to a logic error
      1. Assignment in Condition:
        1. What is wrong with the following code?
          A) Nothing is wrong
          B) The condition is always true
          C) Compilation error: cannot convert int to boolean
          D) Runtime error
      1. Object Comparison:
        1. Which of the following is used to compare objects for content equality?
          A) ==
          B) equals()
          C) compareTo()
          D) isEqual()
      1. Code Equivalence:
        1. Determine if the following two code segments yield equivalent results:
          • Segment 1:
            • Segment 2:
              A) Yes, they are equivalent.
              B) No, they differ when x equals 10.
              C) No, they differ when x is negative.
              D) They are equivalent only for positive values of x.
          1. Short-Circuit Concept:
            1. Which statement best describes “short-circuit” evaluation?
              A) Every part of a boolean expression is evaluated regardless of its outcome.
              B) Evaluation stops as soon as the overall truth value is determined.
              C) The order of evaluation is from right-to-left.
              D) Boolean expressions are only evaluated when used in loops.
          1. while Loop Execution:
            1. What will be the output of the following code?
              A) 123
              B) 012
              C) 321
              D) 210
          1. Object Creation Syntax:
            1. Which of the following is the correct statement for creating an object in Java?
              A) MyClass obj = MyClass();
              B) MyClass obj = new MyClass;
              C) MyClass obj = new MyClass();
              D) MyClass obj = new MyClass{};
          1. Method Implementation for Specification:
            1. Given the specification “Write a method that returns true if the input integer is even, false otherwise,” which of the following implementations is correct?
              C) Both A and B
              D) Neither A nor B
          1. Object Equality vs. Reference Equality:
            1. When comparing objects in Java, the == operator checks for:
              A) Content equality
              B) Reference (memory address) equality
              C) Both content and reference equality
              D) None of the above
          1. Loop Types:
            1. Which iterative statement is guaranteed to execute its loop body at least once?
              A) for loop
              B) while loop
              C) do-while loop
              D) All of the above
          1. Nested if Statement Analysis:
            1. Examine the following code segment:
              What does this code determine?
              A) The minimum of a, b, and c
              B) The maximum of a, b, and c
              C) The median of a, b, and c
              D) The sum of a, b, and c
          1. Code Blocks Delimitation:
            1. In Java, which of the following symbols is used to denote a block of code?
              A) Parentheses ()
              B) Curly braces {}
              C) Square brackets []
              D) Angle brackets <>
          1. De Morgan’s Law Application:
            1. Which of the following expressions is equivalent to the boolean expression !(x < 5 || y > 10)?
              A) x >= 5 && y <= 10
              B) x >= 5 || y <= 10
              C) x < 5 && y > 10
              D) x < 5 || y > 10

          Answer Key
          1. A)
          1. B)
          1. A)
          1. B)
          1. A)
          1. B)
          1. A)
          1. A)
          1. C)
          1. B)
          1. A)
          1. B)
          1. B)
          1. C)
          1. C)
          1. B)
          1. C)
          1. B)
          1. B)
          1. A)



          在 Java 中,逻辑运算符的优先级(从高到低)如下:
          1. 逻辑非(!
              • 这是一个一元运算符,用于对布尔值取反。
          1. 逻辑与(&&
              • ! 运算符之后进行计算,只有当两个操作数都为 true 时,结果才为 true
          1. 逻辑或(||
              • 最后计算,只要有一个操作数为 true,结果就是 true


          the use of “==”:

          在 Java 中,== 运算符主要有两种用途:
          1. 基本类型的比较
              • 当用于基本数据类型(如 intcharboolean 等)时,== 比较的是它们的实际值。
              • 示例:
            1. 引用类型的比较
                • 当用于对象时,== 检查的是两个引用是否指向同一个内存地址,也就是是否引用的是同一个对象。
                • 示例:
                  • 尽管 s1s2 的内容相同,但它们是两个不同的对象,因此 s1 == s2 返回 false
              如果需要检查两个对象在内容上是否相等(即逻辑相等),应使用 .equals() 方法:
              掌握何时使用 ==.equals() 是避免程序中出现错误的关键,尤其是在处理字符串或自定义类对象时。

              the use of do-while:

              public class DoWhileExample { public static void main(String[] args) { int counter = 1;
              CSA UNIT 2: Using ObjectsCSA UNIT 4: Iteration
              Java Quick Reference
              CSA UNIT 4: Iteration
              CSA UNIT 3: Boolean Expressions and if Statements
              CSA UNIT 2: Using Objects
              CSA Unit 5: Writing Classes
              2025 CSA  Quick Review
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