
Confidence Interval for a Population Mean

1.What is the average length of stay at a hospital for babies that were born 45 days premature? Data has been collected for all babies born at Barton Memorial Hospital in the past three years.
2.You ask 300 people how happy they feel on a scale from 1 to 100. Estimate the mean happiness.
3.You are interested in estimating the average number of used textbooks students sell per year. You survey 92 students at the end of the academic year.

Confidence Interval for a Proportion

1.About what percent of college students own a car? 700 college students were surveyed.
2.How much of the food that you buy must be thrown out? A refrigerator was monitored that had 45 perishable items.
3.What percent of new businesses in this region are able to keep their doors open a year after starting? 50 new businesses were tracked.

Confidence Interval for the Diff. Between 2 Means (Independent Samples)

1.When road conditions are snowy, how much faster do people who have four wheel drive vehicles drive compared to those who have two wheel drive vehicles? 45 four wheel drive vehicles and 40 two wheel drive vehicles were clocked.
2.How much more effective against insects are plants with an insect resistant gene than plants without this gene? 500 plants with the gene and 500 plants without the gene were measured for the number of insects per plant.
3.How much more money do students have to spend on private universities compared with public universities? Costs of forty private universities and forty public universities were researched.

Confidence Interval for Paired Data (Dependent Samples)

1. 65 monkeys were part of an experiment where they each were placed in front of a computer for three hours to learn ten words. Then they were given a 3-hour lesson from a human to learn a different set of ten words. The number of successfully memorized words from the computer lesson and the number from the human lesson were recorded. How much more effective was the human lesson?
2.How many more minutes do students spend doing math homework compared to attending class? 46 math students were asked how many minutes they spent last week in class and how many minutes they spent doing their homework.
3.How effective is a sleeping pill. 500 people took part in an experiment where they charted the number of hours they slept without the pill and the number of hours with the pill.

Confidence Interval for the Difference Between 2 Proportions

1.How much more likely is it that a start up restaurant will last for at least a year when it is part of a larger chain compared to one that is a non-chain restaurant? 100 start up chain restaurants and 80 start up non-chain restaurants were observed for a year.
2.A medical researcher is studying the decline in the infection rate when a new surgery technique is used. 400 surgeries using the new technique and 400 using the old technique are performed and the patients are later checked to see if they developed an infection.
3.An art gallery owner is interested in how much more likely a print in the front of the gallery will be purchased compared to being placed in the back. The print is rotated for one year and the data is collected.

Prediction for a Single Value of y for a Fixed x

1.A study was done to see how many times per month people eat out at restaurants. 600 people were asked how old they were and how many times per month they ate out. Find a confidence interval for the mean number of times 28 year olds eat out.
2.1500 people of all ages were asked how many countries they have traveled to. Estimate the number of countries a randomly selected 32 year old has traveled.
3.Last year 350 houses sold that were at various distances from the lake. Estimate the mean home price for a house that is 0.5 miles from the lake.

Hypothesis Test for a Population Mean

1.The cafeteria estimates that it will take an average of 95 patrons per day in order to break even. The cafeteria was observed over 60 days to see if there would be an average of more than 95 patrons.
2.An amusement park owner is considering changing her model from "pay for each ride" to "one fee for all rides." She observes 2000 guests to see if they spend less than the $30 fee that she intends to put into place.
3.Last year the average hotel room at Stateline was $60 per night. A study was done to determine if the average cost per night for rooms this year has increased. What can be concluded?

Hypothesis Test for a Population Proportion

1.If there is not enough of one gender in the frog population, will more of that gender be born in the next generation? 3000 tadpoles were born to a frog community where there were a disproportionate number of female frogs.
2.Do more than 98% of people who are given the H1N1vaccine stay free of the H1N1 flu? 2000 people were observed.
3.Are blondes more likely to have a boyfriend than the rest of the single world? Currently 38% of all single women have a boyfriend. A random sample of 300 blondes was investigated.

Hyp. Test for the Difference Between 2 Means (Independent Samples)

1.Do politicians who are democrats spend more time with lobbyists than do republican politicians? 35 democrats and 35 republicans took part in the survey.
2.Are people who drink coffee more stressed than those who do not drink coffee? 300 coffee drinkers and 200 non-coffee drinkers were tested for stress level (on a 100 point scale).
3.Do community college statistics students spend a higher percent of their study time in the math compared with university students? 70 community college students and 70 university students were questioned.

Hyp. Test for Paired Data (Dependent Samples)

1.Is the first-born puppy larger than the last-born puppy? 450 litters were investigated.
2.Does election-spending reform truly curtail spending? Races in 50 counties throughout the US were studied before and after the passage of the election spending reform act.
3.Is there evidence to suggest that community college students spend more time at work than at school? 80 community college students were asked about the hours they spent working and the hours they spent at school.

Hyp. Test for the Difference Between 2 Proportions

1.Does it rain more often in the west coast then in the east coast? 200 days were observed.
2.Are unemployed people more likely to commit a felony than employed people? 5000 unemployed and 20,000 employed people were observed for a year.
3.Are skiers more likely than snow boarders to fall on the advanced run? 50 skiers and 50 snow boarders were observed as then went down the run.

Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test

1.Do all working hours experience the same productivity levels? 1000 employees were observed during each of the eight hours from 9:00 to 5:00.
2.You suspect that a casino is using a Roulette wheel that is unfair. You observe the outcome of the wheel 900 times so see if each number is equally likely to be selected.
3.Is the average commute time to work the same for all counties in California? 4000 workers from all over California were asked what county they were born in and how long it took them to commute to work. The statewide average commute is 27 minutes.

Chi-Square Test for Independence

1.Does knowing which main course a person orders help predict what desert that person will order? There are 9 main courses and 4 deserts on the dinner menu. 170 customers at your restaurant were observed.
2.Is the type of music that people listen to related to the state that they were born in? 10,000 Americans were asked what type of music they listened to and where they were born.
3.Does knowing a person’s blood type help to predict their favorite beverage? 1000 people were asked what their blood type is and what type of beverage they most often drink.

Chi-Square Test for Homogeneity

1.Do Democrats and Republicans have the same phone carrier usages? 554 Democrats and 672 Republicans were asked what company they used for their phone service.
2. Do people on computers and people on hand helps use the same Internet search engines. 1000 web searches from a computer and 1500 web searches from a hand held were tracked to see what search engine was used.
3.Is Gender a factor in a person’s favorite fruit? 400 men and 500 women were asked what their favorite fruit is to see if the distribution of favorite fruit is the same for men and women.


Confidence Interval for a Population Mean

  1. You ask 300 people how happy they feel on a scale from 1 to 100. Estimate the mean happiness.
  1. What is the average loss for new businesses during their first year? 82 new businesses were tracked.
  1. You are interested in estimating the average number of people individuals interact with each day. You survey 300 Americans.

Confidence Interval for a Proportion

  1. A new method of packaging eggs is being tested. The manager is interested in estimating the proportion of eggs that will be broken upon delivery. A shipment of 3000 eggs was examined.
  1. What proportion of all business owners inherited the business from their parents? 500 business owners were surveyed.
  1. You have conducted a survey about whether Americans are in favor of additional nuclear power plants being constructed. Determine a likely range of values for the true percent of Americans in favor of the proposition.

Confidence Interval for the Diff. Between 2 Means (Independent Samples)

  1. How much more effective against insects are plants with an insect resistant gene than plants without this gene? 500 plants with the gene and 500 plants without the gene were measured for the number of insects per plant.
  1. How much higher is the suicide rate in New York on gloomy days compared to sunny days? The number of New York suicides that occurred during each of 35 gloomy days and the number that occurred during each of 55 sunny days were collected.
  1. How much larger is the average bail that is set for male defendants than for female defendants? 55 male defendants and 35 female defendants were studied.

Confidence Interval for Paired Data (Dependent Samples)

  1. How much more money does the typical restaurant customer spend on the main course vs. the other items? 45 customers were observed.
  1. How many fewer crimes will be committed in an area where policemen are patrolling? 50 locations were studied for the number of crimes committed before policemen were assigned to patrol the locations and after they began patrolling.
  1. Seventy-four South Tahoe residents were asked how many cups of coffee they drank each week and how many glasses of water they drank each week. Estimate the mean difference between the average number of cups of coffee South Tahoe residents drink and the average number of glasses of water they drink.

Confidence Interval for the Difference Between 2 Proportions

1.4000 Drivers using cell phones and 6000 drivers not using cell phones were observed to compare the accident rates.  How much more dangerous are drivers who use the cell phone?
2.What is the difference between political affiliation before and after a war?  2500 citizens were asked if they were republicans both before and after the war.
3.A medical researcher is studying the decline in the infection rate when a new surgery technique is used.  400 surgeries using the new technique and 400 using the old technique are performed and the patients are later checked to see if they developed an infection.

Prediction for a Single Value of y for a Fixed x

  1. A study was done to see how much gas Americans consume. 600 Americans were asked how far they lived from their work and how many gallons of gas they used each week. Find a confidence interval for the mean amount of gas that is used by Americans who live 15 miles from work.
  1. The Lake Tahoe Visitor Bureau has collected data on the number of patrons at Tahoe area restaurants on several days with various hotel vacancy rates in the area. Estimate the number of patrons at Tahoe area restaurants when the vacancy rate is 23%.
  1. An atmospheric scientist is studying the relationship between global CO2 levels and global temperatures. He has data of CO2 levels vs. global temperatures and wants to predict the global temperature if the CO2 level becomes 290,000 ppb.

Hypothesis Test for a Population Mean

  1. The average SAT score for UCLA students is 1264. You are interested to see if the average SAT score is different for UCLA students who come from rural areas. 65 such students were asked what their SAT scores were.
  1. Will a light bulb last for more than 500 hours on average? 200 bulbs were observed.
  1. Do cars average greater then 5 miles an hour over the speed limit? Police officers randomly clocked 850 cars.

Hypothesis Test for a Population Proportion

1.60% of all Americans will travel during the upcoming holidays.  A researcher suspects that the percentage residents of South Lake Tahoe who will be traveling during the upcoming holidays is higher than the national average.  He surveys 150 South Tahoe residents.
  1. Are children of divorced parents more likely to call their father than their mother when they need to borrow money? 100 children of divorced parents were asked who they called last time they needed money.
  1. Does the home team win the majority of the time? 100 games were observed.

Hyp. Test for the Difference Between 2 Means (Independent Samples)

  1. Can chimps learn more words than apes? Biologists spent a year with eighty chimps and 80 apes teaching them vocabulary.
  1. Do politicians who are democrats spend more time with lobbyists than do republican politicians? 35 democrats and 35 republicans took part in the survey.
  1. Will plants grow larger in artificially fertilized soil then in organic soil? 55 plants were grown in organic soil and 55 plants in artificially fertilized soil.

Hyp. Test for Paired Data (Dependent Samples)

  1. Does Kirkwood receive more snow on average than Squaw Valley? The snowfall at each result was measured at each resort for each of the last 25 snow storms.
  1. Is there evidence to suggest that people spend more time watching TV than all other forms of entertainment combined? 70 people were asked about the hours they spent watching TV and the hours they spent on other forms of entertainment.
  1. Fifty married couples were asked on a scale from one to ten how they felt about restricting pornography on the Internet. Is there sufficient evidence to suggest that husbands agree to the restrictions more than wives?

Hyp. Test fro the Difference Between 2 Proportions

  1. Is a man who walks into a car dealership more likely to purchase an automobile than a woman? 70 men and 60 women were observed.
  1. Does the general public respect politicians more after an election than before? 500 people were asked if they respected politicians before the election and then after the election.
  1. Are robin eggs more likely then stellar jay eggs to hatch early during a wet spring? Eggs of 82 robins and 75 stellar jays were observed this spring.

Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test

  1. Are robin eggs more likely then stellar jay eggs to hatch early during a wet spring? Eggs of 82 robins and 75 stellar jays were observed this spring.
  1. A stadium manager is interested in whether the fans that buy tickets are demographically the same as the general population of the city. Currently 42% are Caucasian, 35% are Hispanic, 12% are African American, 8% are Asian, and the rest are defined as other.
  1. Do college students listen to the same radio stations as the general public? 2000 college students were asked what radio station they listened to. Their choices were compared to the known overall ratings.

Chi-Square Test for Independence

  1. A police investigator is interested in finding a relationship between the weapon that is used for murder and the location where the murder occurs. 800 murder cases were examined.
  1. Is the type of television show that a person chooses to watch related to the brand of deodorant that a person uses? 1500 people were surveyed.
  1. Does knowing which main course a person orders help predict what desert that person will order? There are 9 main courses and 4 deserts on the dinner menu. 170 customers at your restaurant were observed.

Chi-Square Test for Homogeneity

  1. Do Democrats and Republicans have the same phone carrier usages? 554 Democrats and 672 Republicans were asked what company they used for their phone service.
  1. Is Gender a factor in a person’s favorite fruit? 400 men and 500 women were asked what their favorite fruit is to see if the distribution of favorite fruit is the same for men and women.
  1. Do people on computers and people on hand helds use the same Internet search engines. 1000 web searches from a computer and 1500 web searches from a hand held were tracked to see what search engine was used.


Confidence Interval for a Population Mean

  1. Estimate the length of time that it takes average first graders to tie their shoes and state the margin of error. 1008 first graders were surveyed.
  1. The school average on the statistics final is 78%. 45 students are assigned a computer supplement. Determine the confidence interval for the average score on the final for students who were assigned the supplement.
  1. The school average on the statistics final is 78%. 45 students are assigned a computer supplement. Determine the confidence interval for the average score on the final for students who were assigned the supplement.

Confidence Interval for a Proportion

  1. How likely are people who see a nickel on the ground to pick it up? 800 people were observed
  1. A new method of packaging eggs is being tested. The manager is interested in estimating the proportion of eggs that will be broken upon delivery. A shipment of 3000 eggs was examined.
  1. What percent of Tahoe residents have swam in the lake? 1008 residents were surveyed.

Confidence Interval for the Diff. Between 2 Means (Independent Samples)

  1. How much more traffic is there on Friday afternoon compared with Saturday afternoon? The number of cars was tracked on 40 randomly selected Fridays and 40 randomly selected Saturdays.
  1. How much larger is the average bail that is set for male defendants than for female defendants? 55 male defendants and 35 female defendants were studied.
  1. How much longer will swimmers stay in a heated pool compared with an unheated pool? When the pool was heated 67 swimmers were observed and when the pool was unheated 55 swimmers were observed.

Confidence Interval for Paired Data (Dependent Samples)

  1. How much does a speed reading course help. A word per minute read was charted before and after the course for 80 students.
  1. How many more minutes do students spend doing math homework compared to attending class? 46 math students were asked how many minutes they spent last week in class and how many minutes they spent doing their homework.
  1. How much does proper lighting improve museums? Visitors were asked to rate the museum on a scale from 1 to 10 both before new lighting was installed and after the new lighting was installed.

Confidence Interval for the Difference Between 2 Proportions

  1. A medical researcher is studying the decline in the infection rate when a new surgery technique is used. 400 surgeries using the new technique and 400 using the old technique are performed and the patients are later checked to see if they developed an infection.
  1. What is the difference between political affiliation before and after a war? 2500 citizens were asked if they were republicans both before and after the war.
  1. How much more likely is it for a person to own dog than a cat? 100 people were asked whether they own a dog and whether they own a cat.

Confidence Interval for Paired Data (Dependent Samples)

  1. How much more money does the typical restaurant customer spend on the main course vs. the other items? 45 customers were observed.
  1. How much does exercise lower blood pressure. 100 people took part in a survey where they were tested before and after an extensive exercise program.
  1. 65 monkeys were part of an experiment where they each were placed in front of a computer for three hours to learn ten words. Then they were given a 3-hour lesson from a human to learn a different set of ten words. The number of successfully memorized words from the computer lesson and the number from the human lesson were recorded. How much more effective was the human lesson?

Hyp. Test for the Difference Between 2 Proportions

  1. Do left-handed people have a higher tendency to enter careers in health care than right-handed people? 400 lefties and 300 right-handed people were questioned.
  1. Are robin eggs more likely then stellar jay eggs to hatch early during a wet spring? Eggs of 82 robins and 75 stellar jays were observed this spring.
  1. Are men more likely to stop their car and assist a woman with car troubles parked on the side of the road? 85 male drivers and 85 female drivers were observed.

Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test

  1. You suspect that a casino is using a Roulette wheel that is unfair. You observe the outcome of the wheel 900 times so see if each number is equally likely to be selected.
  1. Does the political affiliation of congress reflect the known political affiliation of the American Public?
  1. Does South Lake Tahoe have the same ethnic makeup as that of the (known) distribution of California? Five Hundred South Lake Tahoe residents were asked about their ethnicity.

Chi-Square Test for Independence

  1. Does knowing which country a person’s maternal grandmother was born help predict that person’s political affiliation? 4000 people were asked what country their maternal grandmother was born in and what their political affiliation is.
  1. 5000 people were asked what their favorite movie is and who their favorite author is. Based on the data can you conclude that there is a relationship?
  1. Does knowing a student’s transfer goals help us to predict what letter grade that student will get in their statistics class. 3000 students were asked if they intended to transfer to a CSU, UC, UNR, or other university and then their grades were recorded.

Chi-Square Test for Homogeneity

  1. Is the racial distribution the same for UCLA and UCSD? 5000 students from each university were asked about their race.
  1. Do Democrats and Republicans have the same phone carrier usages? 554 Democrats and 672 Republicans were asked what company they used for their phone service.
  1. Are living condition (dorm, condo, apartment, with parents, etc.) different for Northern Californian college students compared to Southern Californian college students? 1400 Northern Californian and 1700 Southern Californian college students were questioned.
Essence of calculusThe most important 20 concepts in ap statistics