
9618/21/M/J/21 Q4:

Certainly! Let's break down and understand the provided code step by step.


The code defines a function named Convert that takes a string input and returns a modified version of that string. Specifically, the function capitalizes the first character of each word in the input string while leaving the rest of the characters unchanged.

Detailed Explanation

1. Function Declaration

  • Function Name: Convert
  • Parameter: Name of type STRING
  • Return Type: STRING

2. Variable Declarations

  • Flag (BOOLEAN): A flag to indicate whether the current character is the start of a new word.
  • Index (INTEGER): A counter to traverse each character in the input string.
  • ThisChar (CHAR): Holds the current character being processed.
  • NewName (STRING): Builds the resulting string with the desired formatting.
  • SPACECHAR (CONSTANT): Represents a space character ' ' to identify word boundaries.

3. Initialization

  • Flag is set to TRUE to indicate that the first character of the string should be processed as the start of a new word.
  • Index starts at 1, assuming the string indexing begins at 1.
  • NewName is initialized as an empty string to accumulate the processed characters.

4. Processing Loop

  • Loop Condition: Continues as long as Index is within the length of the input string Name.
  • Retrieve Current Character:
    • MID(Name, Index, 1) extracts the character at the current Index position.
  • Check the Flag:
    • If Flag is TRUE:
      • Capitalize the Current Character:
        • UCASE(ThisChar) converts ThisChar to uppercase.
      • Update Flag:
        • If the current character is not a space, set Flag to FALSE indicating that subsequent characters are part of the same word.
    • If Flag is FALSE:
      • Append the current character as-is to NewName without modification.
  • Check for Space Character:
    • If the current character is a space, set Flag to TRUE to indicate that the next non-space character should be capitalized.
  • Increment Index:
    • Move to the next character in the string.

5. Return Statement

  • After processing all characters, return the newly constructed string NewName.

Example Execution

Let's apply the function to the example provided:
  1. Initial State:
      • Flag = TRUE
      • Index = 1
      • NewName = ""
  1. First Iteration (Index = 1):
      • ThisChar = 's'
      • Since Flag = TRUE, capitalize 's' to 'S' and append to NewName: NewName = "S"
      • 's' is not a space, set Flag = FALSE
      • Increment Index to 2
  1. Subsequent Iterations (Index = 2 to 6):
      • Characters 'p', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g' are appended as-is because Flag = FALSE
      • NewName becomes "Spring"
  1. End of String:
      • Return "Spring"


The Convert function processes an input string and capitalizes the first character of each word, where words are defined as sequences of characters separated by spaces. All other characters remain unchanged. This is similar to converting a string to "Title Case."
Example Outputs:
  • Convert("hello world")"Hello World"
  • Convert("java programming language")"Java Programming Language"
  • Convert("convert THIS string")"Convert THIS String"
This function is useful for formatting names, titles, or any textual data where standardized capitalization is desired.
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