Here are the 100 basic pseudocode questions:

1. Variables and Constants

  1. What is the keyword used to declare a variable in pseudocode?
  1. How would you declare a variable Counter of type INTEGER?
  1. What operator is used for assignment in pseudocode?
  1. Write an example of assigning the value 10 to a variable named Total.
  1. How do you declare a constant named PI with a value of 3.14?

2. Data Types

  1. Name five basic data types supported in pseudocode.
  1. Write an example of declaring a BOOLEAN variable called IsComplete.
  1. What data type is used to store the value "Hello World"?
  1. How is a character stored in pseudocode?
  1. Write an example of a DATE type declaration.

3. Arrays

  1. How would you declare a one-dimensional array of size 10 storing INTEGER values?
  1. How would you access the third element in the array Numbers?
  1. Write a statement to assign the value 5 to the second element of an array Scores.
  1. Can arrays be multi-dimensional? Write an example.
  1. How would you iterate over all elements in a one-dimensional array Values of size 5?

4. Conditional Statements

  1. What is the structure of an IF statement in pseudocode?
  1. How do you write an IF statement with an ELSE clause?
  1. Write an IF statement to check if Score > 50 and output "Pass".
  1. How is a CASE statement structured?
  1. Write a CASE statement for a variable Choice to handle values 1, 2, and OTHERWISE.

5. Loops

  1. How is a FOR loop structured in pseudocode?
  1. Write a FOR loop to output numbers 1 to 5.
  1. How is a WHILE loop written in pseudocode?
  1. Write a WHILE loop to keep doubling a number X while it is less than 100.
  1. How does a REPEAT loop differ from a WHILE loop?

6. Procedures

  1. How do you define a procedure in pseudocode?
  1. Write a procedure Greet that outputs "Hello".
  1. How do you call a procedure named DisplayMessage?
  1. How can parameters be passed to a procedure?
  1. Write a procedure Square that calculates and outputs the square of a number passed as a parameter.

7. Functions

  1. How do you define a function in pseudocode?
  1. Write a function Add that takes two integers and returns their sum.
  1. How is a function called in pseudocode?
  1. What is the difference between a procedure and a function?
  1. Write a function IsEven that returns TRUE if a number is even, otherwise FALSE.

8. File Handling

  1. How do you open a text file for reading in pseudocode?
  1. How do you write data to a text file?
  1. Write an example of reading a line from a file named InputFile.
  1. How can you check if the end of a file has been reached?
  1. Write pseudocode to copy all lines from FileA to FileB.

9. Logical and Relational Operations

  1. What are the relational operators in pseudocode?
  1. Write a condition to check if X is between 10 and 20.
  1. What are the logical operators in pseudocode?
  1. How would you negate the condition X > 5?
  1. Write a condition to check if a number is either less than 5 or greater than 10.

10. String Operations

  1. How do you get the length of a string in pseudocode?
  1. Write an example to extract the first three characters of a string Name.
  1. How do you concatenate two strings FirstName and LastName?
  1. Write pseudocode to convert a character A to lowercase.
  1. How do you get the rightmost 5 characters of a string Word?

11. Object-Oriented Programming

  1. How do you define a class in pseudocode?
  1. Write a simple class definition for a Dog with a property Name and a procedure Bark.
  1. How do you create an object of a class Car?
  1. How is inheritance denoted in pseudocode?
  1. Write a constructor for a class Person that initializes a Name property.

12. Variables and Identifiers

  1. What are the rules for naming identifiers in pseudocode?
  1. Write an example of declaring a variable with a meaningful name.
  1. What is the purpose of using meaningful identifier names?
  1. Can keywords like IF or WHILE be used as identifiers?
  1. How do you declare multiple variables of the same data type in one line?

13. Assignments and Operations

  1. What does the assignment X ← X + 1 do?
  1. Write an example of a compound assignment using arithmetic operations.
  1. Which operator is used for integer division?
  1. Write a pseudocode statement to calculate the remainder of A divided by B.
  1. How do you ensure clarity in complex arithmetic expressions?

14. Arrays

  1. How do you declare a two-dimensional array of size 3x3 to store characters?
  1. Write a statement to assign the value 'X' to the middle cell of a 3x3 array Board.
  1. How would you iterate over all elements in a two-dimensional array Matrix?
  1. Can you assign one array to another directly?
  1. How do you initialize all elements of a one-dimensional array to a default value?

15. Selection Statements

  1. What is the purpose of an ELSE clause in an IF statement?
  1. Write an IF statement to check if a variable Age is greater than or equal to 18.
  1. How do you handle multiple conditions using nested IF statements?
  1. When should you use a CASE statement instead of an IF statement?
  1. Write a CASE statement for a variable Day to output the name of the day for 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday).

16. Iteration

  1. What is the difference between a WHILE loop and a REPEAT loop?
  1. Write a FOR loop to calculate the sum of integers from 1 to 10.
  1. How do you terminate a loop prematurely in pseudocode?
  1. Write a WHILE loop to halve a number N until it becomes less than 1.
  1. Write a REPEAT loop to repeatedly ask for input until a valid password is entered.

17. File Handling

  1. How do you open a file for appending data in pseudocode?
  1. How can you replace blank lines in a text file with a line of dashes?
  1. Write pseudocode to check if a file is empty.
  1. How do you move the file pointer to a specific position in a random access file?
  1. Write pseudocode to read a record from a random file and output its contents.

18. Object-Oriented Programming

  1. What keyword is used to inherit from a parent class?
  1. How do you define a private property in a class?
  1. Write an example of calling a superclass method from a subclass.
  1. How do you create an object of class Student with a constructor that takes Name as a parameter?
  1. Write an example of a method in a class that calculates and returns the area of a rectangle.

19. Best Practices

  1. Why should variables be declared explicitly in pseudocode?
  1. What is the benefit of using constants instead of literals?
  1. How can indentation improve the readability of pseudocode?
  1. Why should you avoid deeply nested loops?
  1. When is it appropriate to use comments in pseudocode?

20. Miscellaneous

  1. What symbol is used to indicate comments in pseudocode?
  1. Write an example of a single-line comment.
  1. What is the purpose of the RETURN statement in functions?
  1. How can you specify that a parameter should be passed by reference?
  1. Write pseudocode for swapping the values of two variables A and B.

Think about the questions below and check the answers one by one:

Q1:What is the keyword used to declare a variable in pseudocode?

DECLARE is used to declare a variable.

Q2:How would you declare a variable Counter of type INTEGER?


Q3:What operator is used for assignment in pseudocode?

Q3: What operator is used for assignment in pseudocode?
A3: The operator is .

Q4:Write an example of assigning the value 10 to a variable named Total.

Q4: Write an example of assigning the value 10 to a variable named Total.
A4: Total ← 10

Q5:How do you declare a constant named PI with a value of 3.14?

Q5: How do you declare a constant named PI with a value of 3.14?
A5: CONSTANT PI = 3.14

Q6:Name five basic data types supported in pseudocode.

Q6: Name five basic data types supported in pseudocode.

Q7:Write an example of declaring a BOOLEAN variable called IsComplete.

Q7: Write an example of declaring a BOOLEAN variable called IsComplete.

Q8:What data type is used to store the value "Hello World"?

Q8: What data type is used to store the value "Hello World"?

Q9:How is a character stored in pseudocode?

Q9: How is a character stored in pseudocode?
A9: It is stored in single quotes, e.g., 'A'.

Q10:Write an example of a DATE type declaration.

Q10: Write an example of a DATE type declaration.

Q11:How would you declare a one-dimensional array of size 10 storing INTEGER values?

Q11: How would you declare a one-dimensional array of size 10 storing INTEGER values?

Q12:How would you access the third element in the array Numbers?

Q12: How would you access the third element in the array Numbers?
A12: Numbers[3]

Q13:Write a statement to assign the value 5 to the second element of an array Scores.

Q13: Write a statement to assign the value 5 to the second element of an array Scores.
A13: Scores[2] ← 5

Q14: Can arrays be multi-dimensional? Write an example.

Q14: Can arrays be multi-dimensional? Write an example.
A14: Yes, arrays can be multi-dimensional. Example: DECLARE Grid : ARRAY[1:3, 1:3] OF CHAR

Q15:How would you iterate over all elements in a one-dimensional array Values of size 5?

Q15: How would you iterate over all elements in a one-dimensional array Values of size 5?

Q16:What is the structure of an IF statement in pseudocode?

Q16: What is the structure of an IF statement in pseudocode?

Q17:How do you write an IF statement with an ELSE clause?

Q17: How do you write an IF statement with an ELSE clause?

Q18:Write an IF statement to check if Score > 50 and output "Pass".

Q18: Write an IF statement to check if Score > 50 and output "Pass".

Q19:How is a CASE statement structured?


Q19: How is a CASE statement structured?


Q20:Write a CASE statement for a variable Choice to handle values 1, 2, and OTHERWISE.

Q20: Write a CASE statement for a variable Choice to handle values 1, 2, and OTHERWISE.

Q21: How is a FOR loop structured in pseudocode?

Q21: How is a FOR loop structured in pseudocode?

Q22: Write a FOR loop to output numbers 1 to 5.

Q22: Write a FOR loop to output numbers 1 to 5.

Q23:How is a WHILE loop written in pseudocode?

Q23: How is a WHILE loop written in pseudocode?

Q24:Write a WHILE loop to keep doubling a number X while it is less than 100.

Q24: Write a WHILE loop to keep doubling a number X while it is less than 100.

Q25: How does a REPEAT loop differ from a WHILE loop?

Q25: How does a REPEAT loop differ from a WHILE loop?
A25: A REPEAT loop executes its statements at least once before checking the condition.


An introduction to JavaBasic Pseudocode Questions (2)
CSA UNIT 8: 2D Array
CSA UNIT 7: ArrayList
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CSA UNIT 5: Writing Classes
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