




Assembly Language(MASM32)

Assembly Language(MASM32) 详解:

Let's go through this assembly code line by line:

Setup and Includes

  • .386: This directive tells the assembler to use the 80386 instruction set.
  • .model flat, stdcall: Specifies the memory model as flat and the calling convention as stdcall.
  • option casemap:none: Assembler option to treat labels as case-sensitive.

Including External Files

  • These lines include various header files and libraries necessary for the program. They provide definitions and declarations for Windows API functions and constants.

Data Segment

  • .data: Begins the data segment where variables are defined.
  • number DWORD 5: Defines a 32-bit variable number with an initial value of 5.
  • result DWORD 1: Defines a 32-bit variable result initialized to 1.
  • msg db 'The factorial is: ', 0: Defines a null-terminated string.
  • buffer db 11 dup(0): Allocates 11 bytes of space initialized to 0, for holding the string representation of the result.
  • fullMsg db 50 dup(0): Allocates 50 bytes of space initialized to 0, for holding the complete message to display.

Code Segment

  • .code: Begins the code segment.
  • start:: A label marking the entry point of the program.
  • mov eax, 1: Initializes the EAX register to 1. This register will hold the result of the factorial calculation.
  • mov ecx, number: Moves the value of number into the ECX register. ECX will be used as the counter for the loop.

Factorial Loop

  • factorial_loop:: A label marking the start of the loop.
  • cmp ecx, 1: Compares ECX to 1.
  • jl factorial_done: If ECX is less than 1, jump to the label factorial_done.
  • imul eax, ecx: Multiplies EAX by ECX (EAX = EAX * ECX).
  • dec ecx: Decrements ECX by 1.
  • jmp factorial_loop: Jumps back to the start of the loop.


  • factorial_done:: Label marking the end of the loop.
  • mov result, eax: Moves the final result from EAX into the result variable.
  • invoke dwtoa, result, addr buffer: Converts the result to a string and stores it in buffer.
  • invoke lstrcat, addr fullMsg, addr msg: Concatenates the msg string to fullMsg.
  • invoke lstrcat, addr fullMsg, addr buffer: Concatenates the string representation of the result to fullMsg.
  • invoke MessageBox, 0, addr fullMsg, addr msg, MB_OK: Displays a message box with the fullMsg string.
  • invoke ExitProcess, 0: Exits the process.
  • end start: Marks the end of the program and specifies start as the entry point.



  • .386: 这条指令告诉汇编器使用80386指令集。
  • .model flat, stdcall: 指定内存模型为flat,调用约定为stdcall。
  • option casemap:none: 汇编器选项,将标签视为区分大小写。


  • 这些行包含了各种头文件和库,它们为程序提供了Windows API函数和常量的定义和声明。


  • .data: 开始数据段,定义变量。
  • number DWORD 5: 定义一个32位变量 number,初始值为5。
  • result DWORD 1: 定义一个32位变量 result,初始值为1。
  • msg db 'The factorial is: ', 0: 定义一个以空字符结尾的字符串。
  • buffer db 11 dup(0): 分配11个字节的空间,初始值为0,用于保存结果的字符串表示。
  • fullMsg db 50 dup(0): 分配50个字节的空间,初始值为0,用于保存要显示的完整消息。


  • .code: 开始代码段。
  • start:: 标记程序的入口点。
  • mov eax, 1: 初始化EAX寄存器为1,这个寄存器将保存阶乘计算的结果。
  • mov ecx, number: 将 number 的值移动到ECX寄存器中,ECX将作为循环计数器。


  • factorial_loop:: 标记循环的开始。
  • cmp ecx, 1: 比较ECX与1。
  • jl factorial_done: 如果ECX小于1,跳转到 factorial_done
  • imul eax, ecx: 用ECX乘以EAX(EAX = EAX * ECX)。
  • dec ecx: ECX减1。
  • jmp factorial_loop: 跳转回循环的开始。


  • factorial_done:: 标记循环的结束。
  • mov result, eax: 将最终结果从EAX移动到 result 变量中。
  • invoke dwtoa, result, addr buffer: 将 result 转换为字符串并存储在 buffer 中。
  • invoke lstrcat, addr fullMsg, addr msg: 将 msg 字符串连接到 fullMsg 中。
  • invoke lstrcat, addr fullMsg, addr buffer: 将结果的字符串表示连接到 fullMsg 中。
  • invoke MessageBox, 0, addr fullMsg, addr msg, MB_OK: 显示一个包含 fullMsg 字符串的消息框。
  • invoke ExitProcess, 0: 退出进程。
  • end start: 标记程序的结束并指定 start 为入口点。

What is more: the binary representation of the assembly code above

Here is the binary representation of the assembly code provided:

Segment and Directives

The initial setup lines do not translate directly to machine code but are essential for the assembler.

Data Segment

The data segment defines variables and strings. These translate to memory allocations, but for clarity, here are their hexadecimal representations:

Code Segment

Assembled Binary Code (Hexadecimal)

Here is the assembled binary code in hexadecimal, with comments for clarity. Note that actual addresses and function calls are filled in by the assembler:


  1. Labels and Jump Addresses: The assembler calculates the actual jump addresses and replaces the ?? with the correct offsets.
  1. Function Calls: The invoke directives translate to multiple machine instructions, including setting up the stack and registers for the call. The exact binary representation depends on the calling convention and the function being called.
  1. Memory Layout: The addresses for number, result, buffer, and fullMsg are placeholders and would be set by the assembler/linker.
To see the exact binary output, you would typically use an assembler like MASM to compile the .asm file into a binary executable. This ensures all addresses and function calls are correctly resolved.
7a Introduction to Assembly Language7c Common Assembly Instructions