
1 normal random variables

2 random variables

3 addition rule general

4 mutually exclusive events

5 alternative hypothesis

6 Chi-square test

7 anonymity vs confidentiality

8 applets

9 correlation and regression

10 mean and median

11 normal approximation to binomial

12 normal density curve

13 one-variable statistical calculator

14 probability

15 Statistical Power

16 Test of Significance

17 Area under standard Normal curve

18 Association

19 Confounding

20 Independent events

21 Negative association

22 Positive association

23 Statistically significant vs causation

24 Average vs single measurement

25 Back-to-back stem plots

26 Bar graphs

27 Segmented vs histograms

28 Bayes’s theorem

29 Bell curve (See Normal distributions)

30 Bias

31 Biased estimator

32 Bimodal distributions

33 Binomial coefficients

34 Binomial counts

35 Binomial distributions

36 Binomial probability

37 Binomial random variables

38 Variance of binomial settings

39 Blocking

40 Matched pairs

41 Boxplots

42 Calculator for binomial coefficients, probabilities, boxplots, chi-square tests, confidence intervals, discrete random variables, geometric probabilities, histograms, inverse t, least squares regression lines, Normal distributions, Normal probability plots, numerical summaries, one-proportion z test, one-sample t intervals, one-sample t tests, P-values, residual plots, scatterplots, significance test for difference in proportions, slope of regression line, simple random samples, standard deviations, transformation, Two-sample t interval, Two-sample t test, Two-way tables

43 Call-in polls

44 Cases

45 Categorical variables

46 Causation evidence

47 Center of distribution

48 Central limit theorem (CLT)

49 Chebyshev’s inequality

50 Chi-square distributions

51 Chi-square statistic

52 Chi-square test

53 Chi-square test for homogeneity

54 Chi-square test for independence

55 Cluster sample

56 Coefficient of determination

57 Column variables

58 Combined sample proportion

59 Comparative experiments

60 Complement rule

61 Completely randomized design

62 Conditional distributions

63 Conditional probability

64 Confidence intervals

65 Confidence levels

66 Confidentiality

67 Confounding

68 Consent

69 Continuous random variables

70 Control groups

71 Convenience sample

72 Correlation

73 Correlation coefficient

74 Counts in Chi-square tests

75 Critical values for confidence intervals, t-distributions

76 Cube root transformation

77 Cumulative relative frequency graphs

78 Curves (See Normal distributions, Density curves)

79 Data analysis

80 Data ethics

81 Degrees of freedom

82 Density curves

83 Dependent variables

84 Difference between means

85 Difference between proportions

86 Difference of random variables

87 Discrete random variables

88 Disjoint events

89 Distributions

90 Division by constant

91 Dot-plots

92 Double-blind experiments

93 Effect size

94 Empirical rule

95 Equal standard deviation

96 Error (root mean squared, roundoff, standard)

97 Estimators (biased, point, unbiased)

98 Ethical issues

99 Events (complements of, definition of, independent, mutually exclusive)

100 Expected counts in Chi-square test

101 Expected value

102 Experiment(s)

103 Experimental design

104 Experimental units

105 Explanatory variables

106 Exponential models

107 Extrapolation

108 Factorial notation

109 Factors in experiments

110 False negative

111 False positive

112 First quartile

113 Five-number summary

114 Four-step process for statistical problems

115 Frequency histograms

116 Frequency tables

117 General addition rule

118 General Social Survey (GSS)

119 Geometric distributions

120 Geometric probability

121 Geometric random variables

122 Geometric settings

123 Graphing calculator

124 Graph(s) (bar, boxplots, cumulative relative frequency, density curves, dotplots, histograms, interpreting, Normal probability plots, outliers, pie charts, quantitative variables, scatterplots, stem-plots)

125 Histograms

126 Homogeneity

127 Hypothesis (alternative, null, one-sided, two-sided)

128 Independent condition

129 Independent events

130 Independent variables

131 Individuals

132 Inequality (Chebyshev’s)

133 Inference

134 Inference problems

135 Inflection points

136 Influential observations

137 Informed consent

138 Institutional review boards

139 Internet polls

140 Interquartile range (IQR)

141 Intersections in Venn diagrams

142 Interval estimate

143 Large Counts condition

144 Large-sample test for proportion

145 Law of averages

146 Law of large numbers

147 Laws of probability

148 Least-squares regression

149 Least-squares regression line

150 Least-squares residuals

151 Left-skewed distributions

152 Levels in experiments

153 Linear condition

154 Linear regression

155 Linear relationships

156 Linear transformation

157 Logarithm transformation

158 Logarithmic models

159 Long-run regularity

160 Margin of error in confidence intervals

161 Marginal distributions

162 Matched pairs design

163 Mean

164 Mean and Median (applet)

165 Measurement units

166 Median

167 Minitab (software)

168 Mnemonics (BINS, SOCS)

169 Mode

170 Multimodal distributions

171 Multiple comparisons

172 Multiplication by constant

173 Multiplication rule for independent events

174 Multistage sample

175 Mutually exclusive events

176 Negative association

177 confidence interval

178 Nonlinear relationships

179 Nonresistant measures

180 Nonresponse in sample surveys

181 Nonsense correlation

182 Normal/Large Sample condition

183 Normal approximation of binomial distribution

184 Normal Approximation to Binomial (applet)

185 Normal condition for regression inference

186 Normal curve

187 Normal Curve (applet)

188 Normal distributions

189 Normal population

190 Normal probability plots

191 Normal random variables

192 Notation for binomial coefficient, conditional probability, factorial, mean, standard deviation, variance, Venn diagrams

193 Null hypothesis

194 Numerical summaries

195 Observational studies

196 Observed counts in Chi-square tests

197 One-proportion z test

198 One-sample t interval

199 One-sample t test

200 One-sample z interval for proportion

201 One-sample z test for proportion

202 One-sided alternative hypothesis

203 One-sided significance tests

204 One-Variable Statistical Calculator (applet)

205 One-way table

206 IQR rule

207 Opinion polls

208 Outliers

209 P-values

210 Paired data

211 Parameters (population, regression)

212 Percentiles

213 Percents in relative frequency tables

214 Physicians’ Health Study

215 Pictographs

216 Pie charts

217 Placebos

218 Point estimate

219 Polls (call-in, Internet, write-in)

220 Pooled sample proportion

221 Pooled Two-sample t procedures

222 Population(s)

223 Population distribution

224 Population mean

225 Population parameters

226 Population proportion

227 Population regression line

228 Population size

229 Population variance

230 Positive association

231 Power

232 Power models

233 Probability

234 Probability (applet)

235 Probability distributions

236 Probability laws

237 Probability models

238 Problem solving

239 Proportions (difference between, one-sample z test for, Two-sample z test for)

240 pth percentile

241 Quantitative variables

242 Quartiles (first, in five-number summary, in interquartile range, percentiles and, third)

243 r (R-sq; coefficient of determination)

244 Random assignment

245 Random condition for Chi-square tests, confidence intervals, population mean, regression inference, significance tests

246 Random digits

247 Random digits table

248 Random samples

249 Random variables

250 Randomization distribution

251 Randomized block design

252 Randomized comparative experiments

253 Randomness

254 Range

255 Regression (coefficient of determination and, explanatory variables and, least squares, limitations of, outliers in, response variables and)

256 Regression inference

257 Regression line

258 Regression output

259 Regression standard error

260 Regression to the mean

261 Relative frequency graphs

262 Relative frequency tables

263 Replication in experimental design

264 Residual(s)

265 Residual plots

266 Resistant measures

267 Response variables

268 Right-skewed distributions

269 Root mean squared error

270 Roundoff error

271 Row variables

272 Sample data

273 Sample mean

274 Sample proportion

275 Sample regression line

276 Sample/sampling

277 Sample size

278 Sample spaces

279 Sample surveys

280 Sample variance

281 Sampling distribution

282 Sampling distribution of sample mean

283 Sampling distribution of sample proportion

284 Sampling variability

285 Scatterplots

286 Segmented bar graphs

287 Self-selected samples

288 Shape of distributions

289 Significance level

290 Significance tests

291 Simple random sample (SRS)

292 Simulations

293 Single-blind experiments

294 Skewed distributions

295 Slope of regression line

296 SOCS mnemonic

297 Solving problems

298 Splitting stems

299 Spread

300 Standard deviation

301 Standard error

302 Standard Normal curve

303 Standard Normal distributions

304 Standard Normal tables

305 Standardized values

306 Standardizing

307 State-plan-do-conclude process

308 Statistic

309 Statistical Power (applet)

310 Statistical problems

311 Statistical significance

312 Statistically significant association

313 Statistics

314 Stem-plots

315 Strata vs clusters

316 Stratified random sample

317 Student’s t-distribution

318 Study design

319 Subjects

320 Subtraction of constant

321 Sum of random variables

322 Survey

323 Symmetry

324 t distribution

325 t interval one-sample

326 t procedures one-sample

327 t statistic

328 t values

329 Tables (frequency, one-way, random digit, relative frequency, standard Normal (Table A), Table B, Table C, Table D)

330 Technology

331 Test of Significance (applet)

332 Test statistic

333 Theorem (Bayes’s)

334 Third quartile

335 Timeseries data

336 Transformation

337 Treatment

338 Tree diagrams

339 True regression line

340 Truncated data

341 Two-sample t interval

342 Two-sample t procedures

343 Two-sample t statistic

344 Two-sample z interval

345 Two-sample z statistic

346 Two-sample z test

347 Two-sided alternative hypothesis

348 Two-sided significance tests

349 Two-way tables

350 Type I errors

351 Type II errors

352 Unbiased estimator

353 Uniform distributions

354 Unimodal distributions

355 Unions in Venn diagrams

356 Units of measure

357 Variability

358 Variables (association between, categorical, column, confounding, dependent, distribution of, explanatory, independent, negatively associated, positively associated, quantitative, random, response, row, standardizing)

359 Variance

360 Venn diagrams

361 Voluntary response sample

362 Write-in polls

363 x-bar (See Mean; Sample mean)

364 y intercept for regression line

365 z interval for difference between proportions

366 z scores

367 z statistic

368 z test one sample, two sample



1 normal random variables - 正态随机变量

2 random variables - 随机变量

3 addition rule general - 加法规则(一般情况)

4 mutually exclusive events - 互斥事件

5 alternative hypothesis - 备择假设

6 Chi-square test - 卡方检验

7 anonymity vs confidentiality - 匿名性与保密性

8 applets - 小应用程序

9 correlation and regression - 相关与回归

10 mean and median - 均值与中位数

11 normal approximation to binomial - 二项分布的正态近似

12 normal density curve - 正态密度曲线

13 one-variable statistical calculator - 单变量统计计算器

14 probability - 概率

15 Statistical Power - 统计功效

16 Test of Significance - 显著性检验

17 Area under standard Normal curve - 标准正态曲线下的面积

18 Association - 关联

19 Confounding - 混杂

20 Independent events - 独立事件

21 Negative association - 负相关

22 Positive association - 正相关

23 Statistically significant vs causation - 统计显著性与因果关系

24 Average vs single measurement - 平均值与单一测量

25 Back-to-back stem plots - 背靠背茎叶图

26 Bar graphs - 条形图

27 Segmented vs histograms - 分段与直方图

28 Bayes’s theorem - 贝叶斯定理

29 Bell curve (See Normal distributions) - 钟形曲线(参见正态分布)

30 Bias - 偏差

31 Biased estimator - 有偏估计量

32 Bimodal distributions - 双峰分布

33 Binomial coefficients - 二项系数

34 Binomial counts - 二项计数

35 Binomial distributions - 二项分布

36 Binomial probability - 二项概率

37 Binomial random variables - 二项随机变量

38 Variance of binomial settings - 二项分布的方差

39 Blocking - 分组

40 Matched pairs - 配对样本

41 Boxplots - 箱形图

42 Calculator for binomial coefficients, probabilities, boxplots, chi-square tests, confidence intervals, discrete random variables, geometric probabilities, histograms, inverse t, least squares regression lines, Normal distributions, Normal probability plots, numerical summaries, one-proportion z test, one-sample t intervals, one-sample t tests, P-values, residual plots, scatterplots, significance test for difference in proportions, slope of regression line, simple random samples, standard deviations, transformation, Two-sample t interval, Two-sample t test, Two-way tables - 用于二项系数、概率、箱形图、卡方检验、置信区间、离散随机变量、几何概率、直方图、逆t、最小二乘回归线、正态分布、正态概率图、数值摘要、单比例z检验、单样本t区间、单样本t检验、P值、残差图、散点图、比例差异的显著性检验、回归线斜率、简单随机样本、标准差、转换、两样本t区间、两样本t检验、双向表的计算器

43 Call-in polls - 电话投票

44 Cases - 案例

45 Categorical variables - 分类变量

46 Causation evidence - 因果证据

47 Center of distribution - 分布中心

48 Central limit theorem (CLT) - 中心极限定理

49 Chebyshev’s inequality - 切比雪夫不等式

50 Chi-square distributions - 卡方分布

51 Chi-square statistic - 卡方统计量

52 Chi-square test - 卡方检验

53 Chi-square test for homogeneity - 同质性卡方检验

54 Chi-square test for independence - 独立性卡方检验

55 Cluster sample - 群集抽样

56 Coefficient of determination - 决定系数

57 Column variables - 列变量

58 Combined sample proportion - 组合样本比例

59 Comparative experiments - 比较实验

60 Complement rule - 补集规则

61 Completely randomized design - 完全随机设计

62 Conditional distributions - 条件分布

63 Conditional probability - 条件概率

64 Confidence intervals - 置信区间

65 Confidence levels - 置信水平

66 Confidentiality - 保密性

67 Confounding - 混杂

68 Consent - 同意

69 Continuous random variables - 连续随机变量

70 Control groups - 对照组

71 Convenience sample - 便利抽样

72 Correlation - 相关

73 Correlation coefficient - 相关系数

74 Counts in Chi-square tests - 卡方检验中的计数

75 Critical values for confidence intervals, t-distributions - 置信区间、t分布的临界值

76 Cube root transformation - 立方根转换

77 Cumulative relative frequency graphs - 累积相对频率图

78 Curves (See Normal distributions, Density curves) - 曲线(参见正态分布、密度曲线)

79 Data analysis - 数据分析

80 Data ethics - 数据伦理

81 Degrees of freedom - 自由度

82 Density curves - 密度曲线

83 Dependent variables - 因变量

84 Difference between means - 均值之差

85 Difference between proportions - 比例之差

86 Difference of random variables - 随机变量之差

87 Discrete random variables - 离散随机变量

88 Disjoint events - 不相交事件

89 Distributions - 分布

90 Division by constant - 除以常数

91 Dot-plots - 点图

92 Double-blind experiments - 双盲实验

93 Effect size - 效应大小

94 Empirical rule - 经验规则

95 Equal standard deviation - 相等的标准差

96 Error (root mean squared, roundoff, standard) - 误差(均方根、舍入、标准)

97 Estimators (biased, point, unbiased) - 估计量(有偏、点、无偏)

98 Ethical issues - 伦理问题

99 Events (complements of, definition of, independent, mutually exclusive) - 事件(补集、定义、独立、互斥)

100 Expected counts in Chi-square test - 卡方检验中的期望计数

101 Expected value - 期望值

102 Experiment(s) - 实验

103 Experimental design - 实验设计

104 Experimental units - 实验单位

105 Explanatory variables - 解释变量

106 Exponential models - 指数模型

107 Extrapolation - 外推

108 Factorial notation - 阶乘表示法

109 Factors in experiments - 实验中的因素

110 False negative - 假阴性

111 False positive - 假阳性

112 First quartile - 第一四分位数

113 Five-number summary - 五数概括

114 Four-step process for statistical problems - 统计问题的四步过程

115 Frequency histograms - 频率直方图

116 Frequency tables - 频率表

117 General addition rule - 一般加法规则

118 General Social Survey (GSS) - 一般社会调查

119 Geometric distributions - 几何分布

120 Geometric probability - 几何概率

121 Geometric random variables - 几何随机变量

122 Geometric settings - 几何分布情形

123 Graphing calculator - 绘图计算器

124 Graph(s) (bar, boxplots, cumulative relative frequency, density curves, dot-plots, histograms, interpreting, Normal probability plots, outliers, pie charts, quantitative variables, scatterplots, stem-plots) - 图表(条形图、箱形图、累积相对频率图、密度曲线、点图、直方图、解读、正态概率图、异常值、饼图、定量变量、散点图、茎叶图)

125 Histograms - 直方图

126 Homogeneity - 同质性

127 Hypothesis (alternative, null, one-sided, two-sided) - 假设(备择、零、单侧、双侧)

128 Independent condition - 独立条件

129 Independent events - 独立事件

130 Independent variables - 自变量

131 Individuals - 个体

132 Inequality (Chebyshev’s) - 不等式(切比雪夫的)

133 Inference - 推断

134 Inference problems - 推断问题

135 Inflection points - 拐点

136 Influential observations - 影响观察

137 Informed consent - 知情同意

138 Institutional review boards - 机构审查委员会

139 Internet polls - 互联网投票

140 Interquartile range (IQR) - 四分位距

141 Intersections in Venn diagrams - 文氏图中的交集

142 Interval estimate - 区间估计

143 Large Counts condition - 大计数条件

144 Large-sample test for proportion - 大样本比例检验

145 Law of averages - 平均律

146 Law of large numbers - 大数定律

147 Laws of probability - 概率定律

148 Least-squares regression - 最小二乘回归

149 Least-squares regression line - 最小二乘回归线

150 Least-squares residuals - 最小二乘残差

151 Left-skewed distributions - 左偏分布

152 Levels in experiments - 实验中的水平

153 Linear condition - 线性条件

154 Linear regression - 线性回归

155 Linear relationships - 线性关系

156 Linear transformation - 线性变换

157 Logarithm transformation - 对数变换

158 Logarithmic models - 对数模型

159 Long-run regularity - 长期规律性

160 Margin of error in confidence intervals - 置信区间的误差边界

161 Marginal distributions - 边缘分布

162 Matched pairs design - 配对设计

163 Mean - 均值

164 Mean and Median (applet) - 均值与中位数(小程序)

165 Measurement units - 测量单位

166 Median - 中位数

167 Minitab (software) - Minitab(软件)

168 Mnemonics (BINS, SOCS) - 助记符(BINS, SOCS)

169 Mode - 众数

170 Multimodal distributions - 多峰分布

171 Multiple comparisons - 多重比较

172 Multiplication by constant - 乘以常数

173 Multiplication rule for independent events - 独立事件的乘法规则

174 Multistage sample - 多阶段抽样

175 Mutually exclusive events - 互斥事件

176 Negative association - 负相关

177 confidence interval - 置信区间

178 Nonlinear relationships - 非线性关系

179 Nonresistant measures - 非抗性度量

180 Nonresponse in sample surveys - 样本调查中的无响应

181 Nonsense correlation - 无意义相关

182 Normal/Large Sample condition - 正态/大样本条件

183 Normal approximation of binomial distribution - 二项分布的正态近似

184 Normal Approximation to Binomial (applet) - 二项分布的正态近似(小程序)

185 Normal condition for regression inference - 回归推断的正态条件

186 Normal curve - 正态曲线

187 Normal Curve (applet) - 正态曲线(小程序)

188 Normal distributions - 正态分布

189 Normal population - 正态总体

190 Normal probability plots - 正态概率图

191 Normal random variables - 正态随机变量

192 Notation for binomial coefficient, conditional probability, factorial, mean, standard deviation, variance, Venn diagrams - 二项系数、条件概率、阶乘、均值、标准差、方差、文氏图的符号

193 Null hypothesis - 零假设

194 Numerical summaries - 数值摘要

195 Observational studies - 观察性研究

196 Observed counts in Chi-square tests - 卡方检验中的观察计数

197 One-proportion z test - 单比例z检验

198 One-sample t interval - 单样本t区间

199 One-sample t test - 单样本t检验

200 One-sample z interval for proportion - 单样本比例z区间

201 One-sample z test for proportion - 单样本比例z检验

202 One-sided alternative hypothesis - 单侧备择假设

203 One-sided significance tests - 单侧显著性检验

204 One-Variable Statistical Calculator (applet) - 单变量统计计算器(小程序)

205 One-way table - 单向表

206 IQR rule - 四分位距规则

207 Opinion polls - 民意调查

208 Outliers - 异常值

209 P-values - P值

210 Paired data - 配对数据

211 Parameters (population, regression) - 参数(总体、回归)

212 Percentiles - 百分位数

213 Percents in relative frequency tables - 相对频率表中的百分比

214 Physicians’ Health Study - 医生健康研究

215 Pictographs - 绘图符号

216 Pie charts - 饼图

217 Placebos - 安慰剂

218 Point estimate - 点估计

219 Polls (call-in, Internet, write-in) - 投票(电话、互联网、书面)

220 Pooled sample proportion - 合并样本比例

221 Pooled Two-sample t procedures - 合并的两样本t检验程序

222 Population(s) - 总体

223 Population distribution - 总体分布

224 Population mean - 总体均值

225 Population parameters - 总体参数

226 Population proportion - 总体比例

227 Population regression line - 总体回归线

228 Population size - 总体大小

229 Population variance - 总体方差

230 Positive association - 正相关

231 Power - 功效

232 Power models - 功效模型

233 Probability - 概率

234 Probability (applet) - 概率(小程序)

235 Probability distributions - 概率分布

236 Probability laws - 概率定律

237 Probability models - 概率模型

238 Problem solving - 解决问题

239 Proportions (difference between, one-sample z test for, Two-sample z test for) - 比例(差异、单样本z检验、两样本z检验)

240 pth percentile - 第p百分位数

241 Quantitative variables - 定量变量

242 Quartiles (first, in five-number summary, in interquartile range, percentiles and, third) - 四分位数(第一、五数概括中、四分位距中、百分位数和、第三)

243 r (R-sq; coefficient of determination) - r(决定系数)

244 Random assignment - 随机分配

245 Random condition for Chi-square tests, confidence intervals, population mean, regression inference, significance tests - 卡方检验、置信区间、总体均值、回归推断、显著性检验的随机条件

246 Random digits - 随机数字

247 Random digits table - 随机数字表

248 Random samples - 随机样本

249 Random variables - 随机变量

250 Randomization distribution - 随机化分布

251 Randomized block design - 随机区组设计

252 Randomized comparative experiments - 随机比较实验

253 Randomness - 随机性

254 Range - 范围,极差

255 Regression (coefficient of determination and, explanatory variables and, leastsquares, limitations of, outliers in, response variables and) - 回归(决定系数、解释变量、最小二乘、局限性、异常值、响应变量)

256 Regression inference - 回归推断

257 Regression line - 回归线

258 Regression output - 回归输出

259 Regression standard error - 回归标准误

260 Regression to the mean - 回归到均值

261 Relative frequency graphs - 相对频率图

262 Relative frequency tables - 相对频率表

263 Replication in experimental design - 实验设计中的重复

264 Residual(s) - 残差

265 Residual plots - 残差图

266 Resistant measures - 抗性度量

267 Response variables - 响应变量

268 Right-skewed distributions - 右偏分布

269 Root mean squared error - 均方根误差

270 Roundoff error - 舍入误差

271 Row variables - 行变量

272 Sample data - 样本数据

273 Sample mean - 样本均值

274 Sample proportion - 样本比例

275 Sample regression line - 样本回归线

276 Sample/sampling - 样本/抽样

277 Sample size - 样本大小

278 Sample spaces - 样本空间

279 Sample surveys - 样本调查

280 Sample variance - 样本方差

281 Sampling distribution - 抽样分布

282 Sampling distribution of sample mean - 样本均值的抽样分布

283 Sampling distribution of sample proportion - 样本比例的抽样分布

284 Sampling variability - 抽样变异

285 Scatterplots - 散点图

286 Segmented bar graphs - 分段条形图

287 Self-selected samples - 自选样本

288 Shape of distributions - 分布的形状

289 Significance level - 显著性水平

290 Significance tests - 显著性检验

291 Simple random sample (SRS) - 简单随机样本

292 Simulations - 模拟

293 Single-blind experiments - 单盲实验

294 Skewed distributions - 偏态分布

295 Slope of regression line - 回归线斜率

296 SOCS mnemonic - SOCS助记符

297 Solving problems - 解决问题

298 Splitting stems - 分裂茎

299 Spread - 分散

300 Standard deviation - 标准差

301 Standard error - 标准误

302 Standard Normal curve - 标准正态曲线

303 Standard Normal distributions - 标凘正态分布

304 Standard Normal tables - 标准正态表

305 Standardized values - 标准化值

306 Standardizing - 标准化

307 State-plan-do-conclude process - 状态-计划-执行-总结过程

308 Statistic - 统计量

309 Statistical Power (applet) - 统计功效(小程序)

310 Statistical problems - 统计问题

311 Statistical significance - 统计显著性

312 Statistically significant association - 统计显著相关

313 Statistics - 统计学

314 Stem-plots - 茎叶图

315 Strata vs clusters - 层与簇

316 Stratified random sample - 分层随机样本

317 Student’s t-distribution - 学生t分布

318 Study design - 研究设计

319 Subjects - 受试者

320 Subtraction of constant - 减去常数

321 Sum of random variables - 随机变量之和

322 Survey - 调查

323 Symmetry - 对称性

324 t distribution - t分布

325 t interval one-sample - 单样本t区间

326 t procedures one-sample - 单样本t检验程序

327 t statistic - t统计量

328 t values - t值

329 Tables (frequency, one-way, random digit, relative frequency, standard Normal (Table A), Table B, Table C, Table D) - 表格(频率、单向、随机数字、相对频率、标准正态(表A)、表B、表C、表D)

330 Technology - 技术

331 Test of Significance (applet) - 显著性检验(小程序)

332 Test statistic - 检验统计量

333 Theorem (Bayes’s) - 定理(贝叶斯)

334 Third quartile - 第三四分位数

335 Time series data - 时间序列数据

336 Transformation - 转换

337 Treatment - 处理

338 Tree diagrams - 树状图

339 True regression line - 真实回归线

340 Truncated data - 截断数据

341 Two-sample t interval - 两样本t区间

342 Two-sample t procedures - 两样本t检验程序

343 Two-sample t statistic - 两样本t统计量

344 Two-sample z interval - 两样本z区间

345 Two-sample z statistic - 两样本z统计量

346 Two-sample z test - 两样本z检验

347 Two-sided alternative hypothesis - 双侧备择假设

348 Two-sided significance tests - 双侧显著性检验

349 Two-way tables - 双向表

350 Type I errors - 第一类错误

351 Type II errors - 第二类错误

352 Unbiased estimator - 无偏估计量

353 Uniform distributions - 均匀分布

354 Unimodal distributions - 单峰分布

355 Unions in Venn diagrams - 文氏图中的并集

356 Units of measure - 测量单位

357 Variability - 变异性

358 Variables (association between, categorical, column, confounding, dependent, distribution of, explanatory, independent, negatively associated, positively associated, quantitative, random, response, row, standardizing) - 变量(关联、分类、列、混杂、因变、分布、解释、独立、负相关、正相关、定量、随机、响应、行、标准化)

359 Variance - 方差

360 Venn diagrams - 文氏图

361 Voluntary response sample - 自愿响应样本

362 Write-in polls - 书面投票

363 x-bar (See Mean; Sample mean) - x̄(参见均值;样本均值)

364 y intercept for regression line - 回归线的y截距

365 z interval for difference between proportions - 比例差异的z区间

366 z scores - z分数

367 z statistic - z统计量

368 z test one sample, two sample - 单样本z检验,双样本z检验

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