Sure! Here are a few code writing questions with their solutions provided immediately after each question:
Question 1: Write pseudocode to declare an array StudentNames with 5 elements, and then prompt the user to input names to fill this array.
Solution 1:
Question 2: Write a pseudocode function SumArray that takes an array of integers and its size as parameters and returns the sum of all elements in the array.
Solution 2:
Here's how to progressively replace the provided code with blanks in 8 steps, adding one more replaced line in each step, as exemplified in your uploaded file:
  1. Initial Code:
    1. Replace FUNCTION line:
      1. Replace DECLARE line:
        1. Replace sum assignment:
          1. Replace FOR loop line:
            1. Replace sum calculation inside loop:
              1. Replace NEXT i:
                1. Replace RETURN line:
                  Each step increases the number of blanks, following the pattern demonstrated in your uploaded document.
                  Question 3: Write pseudocode to open a file named "Data.txt" for writing, write the string "Hello, World!" to the file, and then close the file.
                  Solution 3:
                  Question 4: Define a procedure GreetUser that takes a string parameter name and outputs a greeting message "Hello, [name]!".
                  Solution 4:
                  Question 5: Write pseudocode to declare a record type Employee with fields Name, Position, and Salary. Then, declare a variable of this type and assign values to its fields.
                  Solution 5:
                  Question 6: Write pseudocode to implement a WHILE loop that repeatedly asks the user to enter a number until they enter the number 0.
                  Solution 6:
                  Question 7: Write a pseudocode function IsEven that takes an integer as a parameter and returns TRUE if the number is even and FALSE otherwise.
                  Solution 7:
                  Question 8: Write pseudocode to declare a two-dimensional array Table with 4 rows and 3 columns, and then initialize each element to the product of its row and column indices.
                  Solution 8:
                  Question 9: Write pseudocode to define a procedure PrintArray that takes an array of integers and its size as parameters and prints each element of the array.
                  Solution 9:
                  Question 10: Write pseudocode to implement a FOR loop that calculates the factorial of a given integer n.
                  Solution 10:
                  Question 11: Write pseudocode to declare a user-defined type Car with fields Make, Model, and Year. Then, declare a variable of this type and assign values to its fields.
                  Solution 11:
                  Question 12: Write pseudocode to open a file named "Scores.txt" for appending, write a new score to the file, and then close the file.
                  Solution 12:
                  Question 13: Write a pseudocode function CalculateAverage that takes an array of integers and its size as parameters and returns the average of all elements in the array.
                  Solution 13:
                  Question 14: Write pseudocode to read integers from a file named "Numbers.txt" and store them in an array Numbers. Assume the file contains one integer per line.
                  Solution 14:
                  Question 15: Write pseudocode to define a function IsPrime that takes an integer as a parameter and returns TRUE if the number is prime and FALSE otherwise.
                  Solution 15:
                  Question 16: Write pseudocode to declare a user-defined type Rectangle with fields Length and Width. Then, declare a variable of this type and assign values to its fields.
                  Solution 16:
                  Question 17: Write pseudocode to define a procedure BubbleSort that takes an array of integers and its size as parameters and sorts the array using the bubble sort algorithm.
                  Solution 17:
                  Question 18: Write pseudocode to implement a REPEAT UNTIL loop that asks the user to enter a password until the correct password "P@ssw0rd" is entered.
                  Solution 18:
                  Question 19: Write pseudocode to define a function SumDigits that takes an integer as a parameter and returns the sum of its digits.
                  Solution 19:
                  Question 20: Write pseudocode to declare a two-dimensional array Grid with 3 rows and 3 columns, and then fill the array with the value 1.
                  Solution 20:
                  Question 21: Write pseudocode to implement a WHILE loop that calculates the sum of all even numbers from 1 to 100.
                  Solution 21:
                  Question 22: Write pseudocode to define a function ReverseString that takes a string as a parameter and returns the string reversed.
                  Solution 22:
                  Question 23: Write pseudocode to define a procedure PrintMultiplicationTable that prints the multiplication table for numbers 1 to 10.
                  Solution 23:
                  Question 24: Write pseudocode to open a file named "Log.txt" for writing, write the current date to the file, and then close the file. Assume the current date is stored in a variable currentDate.
                  Solution 24:
                  Question 25: Write pseudocode to define a function GCD that takes two integers as parameters and returns their greatest common divisor using the Euclidean algorithm.
                  Solution 25:
                  Question 26: Write pseudocode to declare an array Temperatures with 7 elements, each representing the temperature of a week, and calculate the average temperature.
                  Solution 26:
                  Question 27: Write pseudocode to define a procedure CalculateSquares that takes an array of integers and its size as parameters and replaces each element with its square.
                  Solution 27:
                  Question 28: Write pseudocode to implement a REPEAT UNTIL loop that asks the user to enter their age until a valid age (between 1 and 120) is entered.
                  Solution 28:
                  Question 29: Write pseudocode to define a function IsPalindrome that takes a string as a parameter and returns TRUE if the string is a palindrome and FALSE otherwise.
                  Solution 29:
                  Question 30: Write pseudocode to declare an array Prices with 10 elements, then find and output the highest price.
                  Solution 30:
                  Question 31: Write pseudocode to define a procedure InitializeMatrix that takes a two-dimensional array and its dimensions as parameters and initializes each element to 0.
                  Solution 31:
                  Question 32: Write pseudocode to implement a WHILE loop that asks the user to enter a positive number and continues until the user enters a negative number.
                  Solution 32:
                  Question 33: Write pseudocode to define a function CountVowels that takes a string as a parameter and returns the number of vowels in the string.
                  Solution 33:
                  Question 34: Write pseudocode to declare a user-defined type Point with fields X and Y, and then declare a variable of this type and assign values to its fields.
                  Solution 34:
                  Question 35: Write pseudocode to define a procedure SelectionSort that takes an array of integers and its size as parameters and sorts the array using the selection sort algorithm.
                  Solution 35:
                  These questions should provide you with plenty of practice to master the pseudocode concepts outlined in the guide.
                  9c Pseudocode Complete Guide (*_*)9f Introduction to Flowchart